Posts in Viva La Vagina
Jennifer, Brisbane

"I’ve been frustrated with my sexuality for a long time... I had unsatisfactory sex for many years and the lack of pleasure brought me a lot of shame, sadness and anger. I didn’t know what I wanted sexually, even after exploring, and I found it very difficult to advocate for my sexual needs. I was detached from my own vagina, I thought it was ugly and I suppressed my period with hormones for years. I also suffered from incontinence and weak pelvic floor that made it difficult for me to recover from a car accident. I knew I had to do something to heal this area of my life, and over the years I have tried tips, tricks, toys, porn, erotica, affirmations and more.

Nothing resonated with me, until the opportunity to learn from Courtney Davis through her online course, Viva La Vagina.

Viva La Vagina is exactly what I needed to heal my sexual relationship with myself. Since working with the materials in the course, I’ve been more turned on, I’ve improved my ability to vocalize what I want to my partner and I feel more self confident in general. I feel I have the tools I need to continue with my sexual journey and the framework to improve.

Courtney Davis has a great ability to articulate the concepts and techniques simply that I was able to understand exactly what she was talking about, even though I’m a visual learner. Her confident, practical and encouraging coaching style is what helped me to grow sexually.

It’s so comforting to finally have a school of thought that actually works for me. I feel that the course is a basic education on the vagina and female sexuality that every woman needs to hear.

The information and the way it’s delivered in Viva La Vagina has the power to change your life."

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Tanya, Miami

"I have loved going through [the Viva La Vagina Online Course] content. One of the most valuable things I learned was the connection between our vagina and how that is reflected in our physical reality. I love knowing that the more I learn to open and soften my vagina, the more open I become towards life. This is a brilliant cognition! I especially loved the video on lubrication and how it's an indicator of a 'yes' not only in bed but in life. This has been a very rewarding class and now my boyfriend wants to take the men's course. Thanks so much Courtney for all your hard work and dedication to this class!"

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Treena, Calgary

"The first two weeks have been really amazing. I have had miraculous happenings since setting the intention of connecting to my vagina. I have quite a story and it’s hard to put it all into words right now - but I just wanted to reach out and share that I’ve been blessed to be experiencing a massive life altering miracle."

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Aysha, New Zealand

"Courtney, you are a gift, you have such intuitive understanding & knowledge in this field. And this work is so much more than just sexual or sensual, you are helping women to feel & be free in their souls, their lives, and their purpose. So much gratitude!"

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Joni Edelman, California (Editor in Chief of Ravishly Magazine)

"This course is the best act of self-care I've engaged in in a long time.

[Viva La Vagina] has opened up so many conversations between [my partner] and I, and we’ve been together 8.5 years and had sex thousands of times probably. But this is like new level, and we have talked and talked. Not only is that arousing, but our relationship feels closer. It’s a truly outstanding transformation... it's like back in the beginning when we were first together and we couldn't get enough of each other."

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Justine, France

"[Viva La Vagina Online Course] was a breakthrough for a new life with self-love, deep acceptance and empowered me to discover what I really want in a relationship but also in life! I gave myself a vaginal orgasm… AND the meditations are AMAZING!"

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Tanya, Miami

"Your teachings have elevated my self-pleasure to a sacred act. One that I perform in ritual, at least twice a week now. The wands in particular, especially The Cervix Wand™, have been amazing in helping me release tension. And all kinds of stuck negative emotions from my pelvic region that I didn't even know I was holding there. As a result, I am more open. My vagina's more open, it is softer, it is juicier. It has awakened me sexually, in a way that I feel very fulfilled and very proud of."

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Tamela, Calgary

"I am thoroughly enjoying the course thus far. I didn’t realize how much learning there was. I am exploring new territory in a much deeper way. I believe it will have a big impact not only on my sex life but the way I teach and how much more empowerment I feel in the other areas of my life. I am excited to keep working through the weeks. I especially resonated with your talk on shame. Again, I hadn’t realized that I still held shame and more importantly, how it manifested in BY PASSING in sex. WOW - good one!"

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Christina, British Columbia

“I am amazed. Truly. I knew this course was gonna be good, but I had no idea how great! I went on a deep Google dive one night looking for a quality glass wand for yoni massage. And it lead me to The Empowered Woman (and The Cervix Wand™ - yay!). I feel I was drawn to your site because this is EXACTLY what I needed and at the perfect time. The meditations you included were especially amazing, and shifted a lot for me!

I feel so much more in touch with myself. I know myself better. My feelings of self-love have grown a lot! Other people have noticed a positive difference in me without even being aware that I did the course - even when I was only half way through. Wow! Courtney, thank you for sharing your wisdom and for creating a safe space to explore and learn. Each part of this course is so intentional and so well crafted. I looked forward to each new week! I'll be returning to this material time and time again. Your customer service is also second to none, I have had such an amazing experience!"

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"Thank you so much for the Viva course. I’m learning so much about myself and I’m really enjoying discovering pleasure I have never experienced before! I have been surprised how orgasmic I’ve been in weeks 2 and 3 without really trying for it... I’m kind of amazed and floored by all this... Thank you SO MUCH for your time and your work in this space. I’m so grateful to you."

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Jackee, California

"[After completing Viva La Vagina], I feel more open and connected to my body like never before. I have reclaimed the power of my pussy and shed layers of conditioned shame and guilt around my sexuality and desires for pleasure in general. I am saying yes to myself and rewriting the story of what my yoni means to me and building a new relationship with her based on love, respect and deep appreciation. I feel more sexy in my skin. And I greet my vagina with love. I'm really grateful for powerful reframes and seeds that were planted that will grow even after it's all over.

Thank you Courtney for sharing your gifts. I recommend this course to others because I think it's important to reclaim our power and see our beauty instead of shame or embarrassment."

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