Posts in Nephrite Jade Yoni Egg
Miami, FL

“My Jade Egg has been beneficial for me in connecting with repressed pain. It’s amazing to observe how these different tools bring about their own Individual medicine. It’s so rewarding working with crystal pleasure toys. Thanks Courtney!”

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Miami, FL

“I could go on about how deeply these products have transformed me as a woman. They became a vehicle for me to connect with a part of myself I had long repressed. Today I used my Obsidian Wand, the Cervix Wand™, and Jade Egg as part of my sacred sex practice I do at least twice a week in ritual.

Self pleasure for me is now a way to connect to my higher self. These practices (I also took your VLV course!) and these wands have healed my sexuality in a way I never thought possible. Soon after my wand experiences I discarded those plastic dilators… I now only use crystal wands for my self pleasure. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you teach and do. 🙏😘”

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