Posts in Courtney/General
Tara, Boston

"Working with Courtney Davis has changed my life. After birthing my son at home I realized that I wasn’t in touch with my body. I had turned the spiritual into physical in my own body to grow children. Now I wanted to really take my womb for a spin! I intended to get more fulfilling and internal orgasms however I gained much more.

Courtney showed me how to connect to my body and my yoni. I was not touching myself lovingly, I was only masturbating for the orgasm. Now, I know there is a distinct difference.

Since starting with Courtney I have had stronger orgasms. The most groundbreaking thing for me though is I now ask people/partners for more of what I need and I feel no shame in getting it. Game changing shit.

Courtney Davis is on the leading edge of thought. She has helped me in understanding what I am truly seeking. I felt intuitively that manifestation and sex were related. I am so grateful for my path leading to Courtney. She has a firm grip on understanding the correlation between those two (spiritual/physical) and is capable of navigating others through the course of personal discovery. It is my pleasure to work with her."

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Lisa, Calgary

"I've been following Courtney for over a year now. She is among my favourite Instagram accounts, and has inspired me in ways far beyond enriching my own sexual wellness and journey as a woman.

What I truly love about her online presence is her continual transparency while beautifully sharing information, her own experiences, and inherent + earned wisdom from a truly authentic place. Her reflections and reverent guidance release the boundaries around conventional paradigms, most especially related to the nuanced and textured sexual expressions of women. I love the edginess and conviction with which she delivers her messages, and her progressive conversations have indeed anchored and deepened my own inner-knowings simply by her willingness to unapologetically speak her truth. I have loved her YouTube videos and the products I've purchased through her store, in particular the Yoni Eggs for postpartum healing and prolapse challenges.

Shine on Courtney! Absolutely inspired by you."

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