The Cervix Wand™

The Cervix Wand™



The Cervix Wand™ is our best-selling wand for self-yoni massage, vaginal de-armouring, releasing pelvic tension, & awakening internal pleasure.

The round, bulbous end of the wand is designed for cervical de-armouring, and the narrower ribbed end is designed for the g-spot & general internal massage. The long length of the Cervix Wand™ and its serpent-like shape is essential for comfortably holding & maneuvering the wand during internal massage.

We recommend using the Cervix Wand™ for self-yoni massage such that the g-spot & cervix can be awakened to experience deep vaginal orgasms & female ejaculation. Many women have also successfully healed vaginal & pelvic pain through the use of this wand.

Learn more about using the Cervix Wand™ & the practice of self-yoni massage in our online courses & videos linked below.


  • 1 x glass pleasure wand for cervical & g-spot stimulation

  • Best for performing a healing self-yoni massage & de-armouring the vagina

  • Dimensions: 25cm long x 3cm (bulbous end) x 2cm (thinner end)

  • Velvet satin-lined pouch for safe keeping

  • Discrete packaging

  • Ships globally from Calgary, Canada

  • Join our women-only private Facebook Group


Click here to read reviews & to learn more about the benefits of yoni massage & de-armouring.

Questions? Contact us here

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Wand Features

  • Body safe

  • Non-porous and imperfection-free borosilicate glass

  • Serpent-like shape & curled handle for easy insertion and removal

  • Curved to reach the G-Spot & Cervix with ease

  • Long length for ease & comfort of use - no need to awkwardly angle your wrists to reach certain spots!

  • The ideal wand for Self-Yoni Massage

  • Temperature play - simply heat or cool The Cervix Wand™ under warm or cold water

Cervical De-Armouring and Yoni Massage

De-armouring and yoni massage are practices that help to release sexual blockages and eliminate numbness or pain. The overall goal is to liberate the flow of sexual energy in one’s body, resulting in feeling more comfortable and free in oneself. De-armouring and yoni massage offer a way for you to explore your body in a manner which is slow, purposeful, and sensual without any of the pressure to perform for a partner. 

This deliberate approach may help you reconnect with your body and approach your sensuality from a more positive place. The practice can also be beneficial for those who have suffered from sexual trauma. 

After de-armouring or massage, you are likely to experience enhanced pleasure, deeper orgasms, and increased natural lubrication (wetness). Thus, the practice allows you to unlock and access more of your full sexual potential.

How does it work?

De-armouring is similar to deep tissue massage. It works by applying pressure to specific areas within the vaginal canal. Stimulating these areas strategically can release blockages - physical, emotional, and spiritual. De-armouring increases blood flow to tissues, releases tension spots, and opens physical, psychological, and emotional pathways. 

Who can benefit?

Truly anyone can benefit from de-armouring and yoni massage, particularly because all of us can benefit from becoming more connected to our yoni and womb space! However, for women experiencing certain symptoms, the practice can provide particularly powerful healing effects. De-armouring may be particularly beneficial for you if you experience the following:

  • Limited sensation in your vagina or vaginal area

  • Have experienced sexual, physical, psychological, or emotional trauma

  • Suffer from low self esteem or body shame

  • Cannot fully enjoy sexual intercourse or foreplay 

  • Have pain or excessive tightness during intercourse

  • Struggle to achieve internal orgasms

  • Feel stunted or blocked because of your vagina

Transform your pain into pleasure

Your vagina is extremely sensitive, both physically and energetically. Negative experiences can lead to tension, pain and an inability to feel pleasure. This, in turn, can lead to a negative view of sex, sensuality, and pleasure. Normally, the sexual tissues are relaxed and receptive to sexual pleasure, however this can be obstructed as a result of unprocessed and unhealed emotions or experiences - such as having one’s boundaries crossed, being penetrated too early, shameful sexual conditioning, and so on. These experiences reduce the receptivity of your yoni and pelvic region and can result in tension (muscle contraction, numbness, pain, and tightness) when sexual stimulation occurs. This tension is not inherently “bad” as it is the body’s natural response to trauma, however we can safely heal ourselves and return to a state of receptivity and orgasmicness through the practice of de-armouring and yoni massage.

Note that it is common for doctors to prescribe medications and numbing creams for vaginismus, vulvodynia, and pussy pain - however thousands of women have been able to heal naturally from these conditions with the help of de-armouring and yoni massage as these practices get to the root cause of the pain rather that simply covering the symptoms up.

The Cervix Wand™ Reviews

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