The Empowered Woman

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Rituals of Steam (An Intro to Yoni Steaming)

We’ve all dreaded the annual pap smear.

Bright lights. Cold stirrups. And of course, the vaginal speculum that no lube could prepare you for. 

But what if there was a way to meet all your gynaecological needs, from the comfort of your bedroom?

Meet the vaginal steam. Hot tea for your pussy.

Before modern day gynaecology was started in the 1800’s, women’s pelvic care was at the hands of traditional medicine women, shamans, and midwives.

When Europe outlawed the practice of medicine without a license, ancient practices like vaginal steaming were lost, along side women’s autonomy.

Through inhumane practices on slave women, a man from the south learned how to cut open and suture shut the female uterus, and soon opened the first gynaecological practice in New York.

Today, women live without the knowledge that the common experiences of UTI’s, yeast infections, and even monthly cramps can be solved with a warm herbal steam.

But collectively, something is changing.

Women are awakening to something beyond what any doctor could describe.

Whether it’s recovering from their birth, wishing for an experience they didn’t have, or longing for answers to the mysterious symptoms of their wombs, the void carried by women across the globe can no longer be ignored. 

If you desire to deepen your journey of empowerment & autonomy, consider vaginal steaming. 

The use of herbs and steam paired with specific durations and repetition, is a simple yet profound medicine. It can not only heal every single ailment of the pelvic bowl, but will create the container you’ve been unconsciously longing for, to connect to your sacred feminine body.

No woman is like another. Though we share many experiences like menstruation, birth, and menopause, our bodies hold their own unique codes to the healing we need.

You have all the answers, you just need the tools.

If you’re ready to know the wisdom that has always been yours, check out the in-depth course created by Megan Bloom: Rituals of Steam. (Save $100 OFF with the code EMPOWER).

Within this course you will learn all the structural aspects steaming; the what, when, and how.

Beyond that, all of the feminine energetics that will give you the means to make this a fully integrated practice are included. From learning about your inner seasons and rhythms, to using consent and ritual to fully embody the healing, this course is designed so that you can use this practice in total confidence, for the rest of your life.

The world is ready for your healing.

To purchase organic yoni steaming herbs, click here. To read about the benefits & precautions of yoni steaming, click here. To read a basic how-to guide for yoni steaming, click here.

Written by Megan Bloom

Follow Megan on Instagram @bloomingwombs.