The Empowered Woman

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Jennifer, Brisbane

"I’ve been frustrated with my sexuality for a long time... I had unsatisfactory sex for many years and the lack of pleasure brought me a lot of shame, sadness and anger. I didn’t know what I wanted sexually, even after exploring, and I found it very difficult to advocate for my sexual needs. I was detached from my own vagina, I thought it was ugly and I suppressed my period with hormones for years. I also suffered from incontinence and weak pelvic floor that made it difficult for me to recover from a car accident. I knew I had to do something to heal this area of my life, and over the years I have tried tips, tricks, toys, porn, erotica, affirmations and more. 

Nothing resonated with me, until the opportunity to learn from Courtney Davis through her online course, Viva La Vagina. 

Viva La Vagina is exactly what I needed to heal my sexual relationship with myself. Since working with the materials in the course, I’ve been more turned on, I’ve improved my ability to vocalize what I want to my partner and I feel more self confident in general. I feel I have the tools I need to continue with my sexual journey and the framework to improve.

Courtney Davis has a great ability to articulate the concepts and techniques simply that I was able to understand exactly what she was talking about, even though I’m a visual learner. Her confident, practical and encouraging coaching style is what helped me to grow sexually. 

It’s so comforting to finally have a school of thought that actually works for me. I feel that the course is a basic education on the vagina and female sexuality that every woman needs to hear.

The information and the way it’s delivered in Viva La Vagina has the power to change your life."