The Empowered Woman

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Brittany, Canada

"I purchased The Cervix Wand™ upon first stumbling across womb healing after much searching due to a loss of my menstrual cycle for 4 months. I was searching for answers and holistic ways to heal rather than reprint the diagnosis that my doctor gave me. I wanted to dig deeper and alas I discovered that what I truly needed was to reconnect with my womb. Courtney mentioned that this wand and womb healing in general can encourage back my menstrual cycle loss and heal pussy pain which I was experiencing. Little did I know this was my yoni literally communicating and begging for me to connect with her.

I have discovered my yoni and reconnected with my womb in ways I never knew I could. Sensation began to come back after feeling 1000% numb in the beginning, my libido came back as well as my dear menstrual cycle, I can now communicate with my womb and I always make pleasure a priority. I realized this was the missing ingredient in my life and connection to my self. It has been the most sacred gift of self love and I’m so freaking grateful. I have had the most mind blowing, body shaking, incredible, god given orgasms all by myself and all thanks to the magic of The Cervix Wand™. Courtney was very prompt at answering any of my worries or questions via email which made me feel reassurance, safe, secure and encouraged, as well as her instructional videos on Youtube about how to use a wand like this and what to do. It’s been the best gift to my self ever. I’m forever grateful and cannot wait to purchase more items from your store!! Thank you!!"