The Empowered Woman

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The Truth About a "Tight Vagina"

From a fairly young age, the importance of a “tight vagina” is a message we receive and believe we need to strive for.

There are a number of reasons that contribute to this norm - one being the fact that the predominant culture around sexual pleasure in our society is friction-based. More, harder, and faster… In this paradigm of pleasure, a “tight” vagina can mean more pleasure (i.e. physical friction) for both men & women.

But as we widen our lens, having a tight vagina is not necessarily empowering. And actually, when we understand what it means to have a tight vagina, it’s not necessarily desirable at all.

This is not to say that vaginal laxity, or a weak or extremely loose vagina, is desirable either.

But a tight vagina is often a tense vagina. And a healthy, aroused vagina that is truly ready for penetration is not tense.

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When a vagina is aroused, it’s supposed to expand, open, and soften. It’s supposed to relax and become inviting.

Tightness or tension can actually be an indication of dissociation, sexual trauma, and painful intercourse. In addition, tightness often goes hand-in-hand with difficulty with arousal, lubrication, or the experience of pain during sex.

This tightness and tension is often a result of stored emotions and traumatic experiences in the vagina. Vaginal atrophy, often related to hormonal changes and menopause, can also contribute to symptoms like pelvic pain and dryness, further complicating vaginal health.

Still think you want a “tight” vagina?

Having a very tight OR a very loose vagina are indications that you are not connected to this part of yourself, and you are definitely not accessing your womb and vagina as an intuitive power source to the extent that is possible.

For most women, the idea of their womb and vagina as being their intuitive guide and source of power is foreign or “woo-woo.”

But if you want to discover a deeper sense of self, pleasure, power, and purpose, then deepening your awareness and connection to this part of yourself is essential.

The more attention and awareness you bring to your vagina, the more you will develop an understanding of what it means to “hear” what she is saying to you. You will feel her truthful expression more strongly, and your life will become enriched by your vagina’s intuitive guidance.

We want an awake and “sentient” vagina that is sensitive and turned on. We want to be able to hear her messages to us, and to honour them.

Given this information, you might be asking, “What is the importance and hype around kegels and practices like the Jade Egg?”

Despite often being marketed towards helping women achieve a “tight vagina,” the benefits of the Jade Egg practice are really about creating strength, sentience, aliveness, awareness, and healing in the vagina. In turn, you will undoubtedly experience more pleasure and sensitivity.

Having a strong and awakened pelvic floor is hugely important, but it’s not about being tight!

Read my article Yoni Eggs: Benefits & How To for more info on the Jade Egg practice for women.

If you’re wondering where to start when it comes to connecting, developing strength and awareness, and honouring your vagina, explore Viva La Vagina™, the online course I’ve created for women.


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