The Empowered Woman

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Deepening Sexuality Amongst the Mundane

All of life is a dance of duality. An exchange of moving parts. A reciprocal opportunity resides within each moment.

When we awaken to life as a dance of duality and an intimate exchange, we can anchor into a deeper well of enjoyment and revitalizing life force. We can begin to notice the ways in which receptivity and penetration along with collaborative co-creation is happening all around us, within us, and that life exists as a never-ending cyclical dance, one breath to the next.

Awakening to the pleasure available within these moments requires us to slow down, to meet life with presence and attunement, and to become receptive to the satisfaction available in receiving life’s moments in this way.

This requires us to become considerate of our own participation in this dance with life.

How are you making love to the life you are being providing with? Are you deepening into the mundane moments, or avoiding them?

In sex, we are impacted in a multitude of ways by how we are penetrated and who we allow to penetrate us. Similarly in life, what we allow to penetrate our field, our sensory systems, and our body will influence the ways we are being nourished, enlivened and gifted with an opportunity for expansion, opening, or release.

In this sense, what can be considered “penetration,” especially from a sensory perspective, expands.

For example, a blaring TV in the background is penetrating your field with noise and stimulating your senses in a particular way. Perhaps it provides a feeling of regulation & comfort while also contributing to a kind of dissociation from the present bodily experience.

The purpose of bringing awareness to these forms of penetration is so that we can consciously engage in the reciprocal exchange with life that is always occurring.

We are each worthy & deserving of the satisfaction derived from living a deeply connected & intimate life.

In the same way that we do not desire a dissociated sexual relationship, where our expressions are silenced, or where we pretend to be something different in order to be accepted - the same goes for life.

Our moment-by-moment engagement with life is worthy of our time, presence, devotion, and attunement.

Many facets of our modern day world have us associating sexuality with a specific look, tone, feel and overall deliverance. The raw beauty, innocence and innately sacred expression is diminished and in its place resides something inverted and unfortunately, perverted.

In order to experience the sacredness of our sexuality, we are required to reframe many of these inherited lenses & patterns. This is also the case when it comes to reframing & experiencing the sacredness of the mundane.

When reframed, the mundane does not look, sound, feel, or resemble what we’ve learned to associate it with. In fact, pleasure, joy, & satiation can be experienced through the mundane via deepening & meeting the sensations of life as they occur. This does not require a perversion of existence, but rather an awakening to the innately intimate & sexual existence that life truly is, and can be.

When we break sexuality down into its basic roots and fundamental aspects, we can see that sexuality is the expression of exchange between two parts, merging together, meeting the other in realness & nakedness. From here, co-creation takes place.

What is life, if not that?

When was the last time you slowed down to feel the sensations of your breath rolling through your nose, down your throat and into your body through your blood stream... Allowing yourself to be invigorated by the simple experience of a receiving a breath?

When was the last time you welcomed all of life in and felt the sensations accessible to you… Creating room to feel the way the wind caresses your body or the way the water drops over your skin when you shower?

By fully meeting the mundane moments, we allow life to awaken us into our ripeness and invite us into our truest yearnings.

We can exist in such depth of devotion to existence that we overflow with satisfaction and emanate this fulfillment into all that we do.

We can enjoy the moments of life for ourselves first and foremost - receiving the fullness of life into our own bodies, and becoming nourished by these sensations.

And while this awakening begins within ourselves, we can also share in it with a beloved...

~ Recognize the way your beloved walks through life. Allow their drive and thirst for life to turn you on and deepen your appreciation for them. Witness them in their own existence and share what pulsates through you as you do this. Let them know how attractive and enjoyable it is to witness them being and anchor deeper into your own expression of your devotion in this way. Let their existence be the ultimate turn on, and let them be aware of that.

~ During meal times, invite playfulness and collaboration. Slow down the process and find ways to enjoy the experience from a sensory perspective. Create the aromas together, hear the sounds of the various textures being prepped, taste flavours throughout the various stages of cultivation, feel the temperatures as they shift.

~ The beginnings and endings of days can be one of the most challenging and yet the most rewarding to find connection and intimacy within. Oftentimes these moments are times of transition and can feel unsettling - your partner is likely shifting their way of being in some form. To anchor into connection here, initially accept that change is inevitable. How would you like to ‘send off’ your beloved within the transitional time?

Perhaps you awaken their sleeping body with love notes from your lips, kissing away the resting beauty and adorning the newly risen beloved, initiating their day with your presence and devotion.

What ways can you provide nourishment for your partner to enjoy throughout the next phase of their day? What presence can you share with them to fill them (and you) up before entering into a new stage of expression? Maybe this looks like showering together and being present with your bodies as you rinse off the day/night. Or enjoying a simple morning ritual together like making and drinking a tea/coffee.

Remember that there are endless ways to connect with and awaken to the sexuality that breathes within each moment. You can turn any seemingly empty moment into one of fulfillment and satiation through slowing down, opening the senses, and shifting perspectives.

Written by Jordi Klassen

Jordi is a homesteading Mother to two Daughters, and is passionate about shifting the conventional narrative we as a society hold around core aspects of life including sexuality, livelihood, life's transitions, learning, and the way that we show up within them. Jordi believes that through welcoming true nourishment, presence and reciprocity, we can rectify a life that is attuned to the natural world and the innate physiologic design we carry as Human beings. Follow Jordi on Instagram @she.momma_.