Why I Was Creatively Blocked for 2 Years
(With regards to my writing & social media content creation, specifically.)
I add this caveat because there have been plenty of ways I’ve experienced powerful creative flow over the past two years:
I launched a new brand.
Acquired a new company.
Evolved our marketing strategies.
Completed 3 visa applications.
Entirely re-created my original course Viva La Vagina™ and turned it into a membership.
And a bunch of other things…
But my secret sauce and what started it all in business for me was my ⚡️writing ⚡️
My best writing has always been about sharing my journey of transformation, and transmitting real & raw wisdom about sexual & spiritual awakening.
Prior to launching my courses & shop in 2018, I wrote on my own blog for about 1.5 years.
Once I did launch my business, I became increasingly brave about sharing content on social media. Primarily, Instagram.
(I also created some Youtube content which still exists today - despite being a bit cringe to me nowadays… people still seem to get value from it!)
Mid 2018 to the start of 2020, I was traveling with my teacher and writing quite vulnerably about my transformation, in real time.
I shared about the wisdom I was uncovering via daily Instagram stories and through long(ish)-form writing in my posts.
This sharing was truly the catalyst for initial growth & momentum in my business - I wouldn’t have the audience, email list, and customer-base I have today without the boldness I began with.
After traveling, while I was rooting into Calgary for ~2 years, I continued writing & sharing.
But something big shifted when I came to the US near the end of 2021…
It no longer felt good to share so much of my life on social media.
I began experiencing such rich in-person community that online community felt less interesting.
But I ALSO felt stuck & contracted around my writing in a way I hadn’t previously experienced.
And it has taken me until the past few weeks to find my flow again!
It’s like a yarn-ball got untangled and I can now identify several of the “threads” of what had me feeling less connected to my original momentum & flow the past 2-ish years.
3 Blocks to Creative Thinking
The first few years of sharing content, my inner world was majorly ON DISPLAY.
This allowed people to feel & connect to me quite strongly,
But it was also a big expansion that was majorly exposing.
And as we know - every expansion is followed by contraction.
My epic yet messy transformation had been witnessed through-the-iPhone-screen by family, old friends & colleagues, and people that have known me since school years.
As you can imagine, most of these people did NOT have context for the alternative path I was walking.
So while I attracted a lot of new people who were inspired by me, I shocked a lot of people with whom I had long-standing relationships.
The past few years, many of those people came full-circle and told me how they eventually began experiencing change & life circumstances where they could truly appreciate & admire my journey.
But there is still residual impact that lives in my body from being so open about such a vulnerable, ongoing process of awakening.
Leadership & riding the edge of what’s emerging in collective consciousness is vulnerable AF!
How did I overcome this big contraction?
Well, I had to feel it.
And then I learned from it.
I’ve become more sensitive to the edge of vulnerability that feels good to me.
I’m more discerning about how soon I share my processes, and I allow myself more time to digest before revealing.
It is rightful to discern with who & when we reveal certain parts of ourselves.
And our body discerns that difference.
So now I determine with more specificity what gets shared with my teacher, partner, certain friends, outer circle, social media, email audience, and so on.
At one point, my posts got ridiculed publicly by a teacher I respect.
(Or, used to respect).
She went to town, recording an entire hour-long Live Stream ripping my content apart,
Asserting her assumptions about my intentions for sharing what I share…
The whole thing was rather unkind & unprofessional.
This experience, combined with internalizing some perspectives from a couple other teachers and honing my technical skills, helped maintain my confidence in the face of criticism.
Led me to start evaluating my writing through the lenses I believed other teachers would see it through.
Without realizing, I had begun analyzing my content from third-party lenses that were actually
NOT representative of those who connect deeply with my work.
I fell into a kind of “perfectionism” where I constantly looked for holes & flaws in my own content,
Which had me experiencing less access to my authentic voice.
This was actually a really hard trap to free myself from!
Yet once I took myself through a process of identifying exactly how & what I want to share,
And recognized that there has always been an audience that appreciates my voice,
I became majorly re-inspired to write.
(If you want to know more about the process I went through to somatically “untangle” this in myself, I recorded an audio describing it which is available at the bottom of this article.)
As people are drawn to my work, they come with their own experiences & troubles.
As such, they bring their opinions & requests for what they’d like to see me speak to.
This is great! And often provides inspiration.
But it can also be a slippery slope into writing on topics that I CAN offer value on,
Rather than topics I WANT to offer value on.
“Can do” is much different than “want to do.”
And “can do” has often led me to a place of feeling like I’m working rather than creating.
Creating feels alive, expansive, AND of service.
Working tends to feel more obligatory.
Discerning what I want to write about is an ongoing practice of sensing what actually feels alive, inspiring, and at my edge.
When I abandon this commitment, writing quickly becomes heavy-feeling and that ultimately leads to serving no one.
There were a few specific processes that led me to not only seeing these limitations, but finding my way through them.
The breakthrough with all of this actually happened very quickly.
The yarn-ball untangled itself within only a few days,
After which I found myself writing 3 long-form pieces in the span of 48 hours.
(Each around 1000+ words).
And if you’ve been on my email list the past few weeks, you’ve seen all the others that followed!
This has been more written output than I produced even in the early days of my business.
After 2 years of stagnancy!
If you’d like to learn more about one of the significant processes I took myself through, listen to the audio below where I describe it for you :)
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Sandbox Therapy Process
Note that you can certainly take yourself through the process described in the audio, AND the process tends to go deeper when you have a witness who can skillfully invite deeper inquiry & vulnerability. To inquire about receiving 1-1 support, contact us here or check out how you can get text message & voice-note support directly with Courtney here.