The Empowered Woman

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Reasons to Try Burlesque!

Lingerie… rhinestones… heels… stripping… show-stopping costumes… glitter… attitude… creativity… feather accessories… freedom. 

Ooo LALA! 

What does all that fabulousness equal? BURLESQUE

Maybe you have heard of it, seen a show, a YouTube video, or you have no clue!

Allow me to introduce you to the fabulous vixen named Burlesque.

Burlesque is a live, creative performance art form that combines fabulous costumes and accessories, stripping, characterization, and comedy in a cabaret/vaudeville-style production setting.

Burlesque can be higher budget, like the legendary burlesque performer Dita Von Teese’s shows or like the movie you may have seen called “Burlesque” with Christina Aguilera. This, however, is a rarity in the Burlesque world. Most productions are smaller, intimate, sweaty, 10 girls changing costumes in a 3x3 closet all together. And that’s just the way we like it! HA!

Burlesque at its core is an art form that celebrates creativity, artistry, heart, sensuality, sexuality, fashion, self-love, confidence, the beautiful human body, intimacy, and so much more.

If you’re curious… here are some reasons to try Burlesque. Keep in mind you don’t have to become a full-on professional performer. Taking a class or even just going to see a show can be extremely fun, impactful, delicious, and healing!

  1. Creative Outlet. While many people think you must have a special “talent” to perform, it’s not necessary. All you need is a feeling or a thought that you desire to express! I perform with girls who are professional dancers, singers, contortionists, etc. and then I perform with people who simply have something to say and show. ALL offer fabulous performances. You can also collaborate with your fellow burlesque performers and learn new skills. I started as a burlesque singer and eventually learned how to host shows and how to eat fire from a fellow performer! 

  2. Connection, Connection, Connection. Burlesque, like many performative, movement-based art forms, connects you to your mind, body, and spirit. The sultry dancing and stripping of burlesque fosters physical connection to our bodies - something that many people have trouble with. In our fast paced, technology, social media-driven world, we tend to get pulled up into our heads and out of our bodies. Slow, sensual movement guides us back into the body. Connection with the body supports us to recognize our boundaries more clearly (sexual boundaries included), sense our intuition and “gut” feelings with greater ease, and experience heightened physical sensitivity and sensations (yes please!).

  3. Vulnerability. Burlesque can be extremely vulnerable - you are performing a piece that emerges from your heart, mind, and soul. "Will they get it? Was I good? Did they like it? I have 50 other things going on in my life so was this piece at tonight’s show crap?" Burlesque offers the opportunity to open up and reveal what is inside of you - on stage! But it doesn’t matter what the audience thinks, because it’s not for them, it’s for YOU! They merely showed up to witness what happened. This fosters becoming the truthful, unique, open, and vulnerable human you are meant to be.

    Then... if baring your heart and soul wasn't enough, next comes the stripping! Where all the sizes, shapes, colours, marks, scars, & uneven boobies get their limelight! Burlesque (contrary to many other performative art forms) truly accepts and celebrates every type of body, and it’s been doing this loooong before the rest of the world began to. This encourages us to accept ourselves - not just when we're all dolled up for a show in sexy lingerie and rhinestones - but when we're bare and naked as well.

  4. Celebration of Sensuality. In our western society, we can feel sexual shame one moment, and then hyper-sexual the next. Huh? The reality is this: We are all sensual, sexual, sentient, beautiful beings. Everyone deserves to love and be loved. Everyone also deserves to DESIRE and BE DESIRED. But desire doesn’t negate respect, communication, or emotional intelligence. In fact, it’s the combination of desire, respect, communication, and emotional intelligence where the magic happens...

    I have been a professional burlesque performer for over four years now and I don’t think I’ve ever had an inappropriate incident with a male patron. Yes, we have security and an announcement of rules at the show, but it’s more than that. More often than not, men have this look in their eyes when they see us perform. It’s a beautiful combination of surprise, nervousness, desire, admiration, respect, and even a hint of protection. Every woman deserves to be looked at like that. Burlesque celebrates the loving, sensual, pleasure-filled, intimate beings that we are - by putting these things on stage.

  5. The name of the game is Freedom. In burlesque, you can literally create WHATEVER performance piece you want! Seriously! As long as you don't get fully nude or harm anyone, the sky is kind of the limit. It’s the ultimate rebel, f*ck-you art form. Because we can do what we want on stage and artistically, burlesque gives us the courage to do what we want in our life. It opens the door to being our unique selves and living our unique, sovereign life. Which is the best way to live, of course!

Written by Alexandra Vita

Alexandra is a Renaissance woman, with a background in the performing arts as well as holistic sexual health & mindfulness. She currently lives in Los Angeles and works as a professional actress, singer, burlesque performer, writer, and EMT. Follow Alexandra on Instagram @alexandravitaxo.